Haha okay so i watch this series whenever it airs which is like 12 midnight - 1 am at where i live OTL dedication hah
Anyway this is (as the title says) opinions i have on last night's episode or particular scenes.
But i swear i'm not like crazy netizens that are able to point out every tiny difference in each frame (= =;)
But first i would like to credit Dramabeans as i have used their screen caps :) cbf OTL
kidnapped and placed into this carriage where she looks like she was claustrophobia so she bangs and scratches the shits out of the carriage but no one does anything ..wth
anyway so she isn't really claustrophobic but she has memories of this young girl (aka her younger self) suffocating in a coffin which makes her feel this way. However, she is not aware that the young girl is her as she lost her memories. So when they open the carriage they find that she has passed out (that servant was pretty stupid to think that she was dead = =;)

So Yeon Woo/Wol/Agassi (Im just gonna keep it with the original Yeon Woo = =;)
is running away from those pedos kidnappers and Yang Myung is also trying to run away from his followers lol so he eventually does his usual quick-hide-dressup-change-mabob and comes out in a different dress but his followers recognise him and he is like NOOO HOOOWW kinda thing.. well bro let me give you a hint.. if you've been using the same tactics all these years i cant see how they wouldn't know its you. I mean you ran into a house and come out in a different costume WITH A FAN COVERING YOUR FACE :L
Anywho! so he does the whole dress up thing but now he is a monk LOL so Yeon Woo runs up to him and pleads the monk to help her. there is this silence and shes kinda like omg please and im like OMG PLEASE THOSE PEDOS OLD MEN ARE COMING BACK!! IT CAN BE YOUR REUNION TIME ;__; then suddenly he grabs her and they start running tralalala then they hide and he holds her tight and shes clearly like WTF o___O* (Yeon Woo ill tell ya something.. i would die for that guy ;__;'') he takes off his hat (and omg and heart feels so crushed)
hes like don't you know me? and shes like kinda like no? (you stalker? .__.) I'm creeped out surprised how he can tell it's her when she's suppose to be dead like 10 years ago or whatever. I swear if i knew someone from 10 years ago who 'passed away' but they appear in front of my the day after i'm pretty sure i wouldnt be able to recognise them = =;; sorry man.
Any whothose freakin kidnappers come back and they get chased tralalala... sad voiceovers ;___; Yang Myung says something about asking her to wait down the road for him, he'll be there soon but gets pwned on the head as he is distracted by her sudden scream OTL

and im like oh no you didnt lady = =* so shes been brought into the kings room when he is asleep as a charm or something so he gets well. its so sad ;__; he sleep cries desperately calling out for Yeon Woo and she rests her hand (unaware that Yeon is actually her since she lost her memories and has no name now) on his head and he smiles. (i can feel that cut opening ;__;) and Wool is just watching in the corner like O____O
At that moment Yang Myung also wakes up and thinks the person by his side is Yeon Woo but its her brother OTL
Hilariously, the next day the King actually feels better and the girls at the palace are all <333 saying he is so handsome when he is happy (cos he is usually angry) lol he compliments the 'charm' who was sent to him unaware that it actually was Yeon Woo.
So he has a talk with his ministers again about this so call project theyre working on. and as usual the ministers bullshits so the King brings in a worker and lalalala the worker is freed (its actually the father of that poor kid last episode)
So he has a talk with his ministers again about this so call project theyre working on. and as usual the ministers bullshits so the King brings in a worker and lalalala the worker is freed (its actually the father of that poor kid last episode)
So the evil ministers call the worker and give him money to keep his mouth shut. but on his way home some assassins tried to kill him (we obviously know who sent them here = =;) but luckily Woon appears and kills them and takes him home personally.
The King had already knew about the ministers and suggests that there is not construction in progress with all these reasons and explains that those evil ministers are actually building an army against him.. WOW THAT MADE ME JAW DROP o___o even Woon is like HOMG.
So the Queen Dowager tries to look for Yeon Woo as she wants to compliment her but the Shamans stop her alot of stuff happened so i wont recap this part. Besides the sad fact that Yeon Woo is jealous over this Yeon Woo person saying she wishes it were here. Oh the irony... ;__;
keke so the princess is waiting in her room for her hubby and hugs him tight not knowing that her brother Yang Myung has just seen her hurhur =w=

so as usual she says she hates him, tells him to rest and storms off LOL aha Yang Myung why you soo cute and cheecky? :3

so as usual she says she hates him, tells him to rest and storms off LOL aha Yang Myung why you soo cute and cheecky? :3
anyways so at bed time the King/Hwon is exercising like crazy and says he's got some hot blooded energy and everyone interprets wrongly LOL theyre thinking he's reayd for some hot stuff in bed tonight LOL so everyone is giddy giddy especially those maids LOL and the king obviously doesn't understand what they heard it as so when he found out he got angry. And tells off Hyung-sun and says thats why he doesnt talk to him lately (epic cut!) who then goes cries in a corner ...awww lol The king is slightly taken back over why he is so emotional but Hyung-sun says its as if the old young him is back ..aw....
So Yeon Woo is back as the charmer and tralala King continues to smile in his sleep..
damn in feeling lazy :L

So her and daddy evil minister have a meeting and then daddy bumps into the King where they have the awkward conversation where the King hints that he know the minister sent those assassins (but they hide it by calling them gifts lol) the other day. awk awk. but the minister just plays along and says he can always send another one whenever he wants. DAMN YOU
The King putus his hands on his head where Yeon Woo put hers the other night as if he can feel her. Shaman lady feels as if something bad is going to happen. stfu you shamans Lol jks

Any way last night's episode was overall very dramatic and a lot of truths were revealed.
1. Where are you Woon when he pulled her down to the bed ? lol
2. As if no one heard the loud bang :L
3. I wonder how the King treats his sister and brother in law now
4. Its kinda sad to see Woon is the only one that keeps him company now ;__;
5. I also find it sad how Yang Myung could recognise Yeon Woo but he probably won't get her, in contrast to Hwon ):
6. The only thing that wtf me so far was if Yeon Woo knows what she looks like as a kid...
then wouldn't she be able to recognise that she is the younger girl in those memories? = =;
6. The only thing that wtf me so far was if Yeon Woo knows what she looks like as a kid...
then wouldn't she be able to recognise that she is the younger girl in those memories? = =;
Forever missing the young acting crew ;__; lol
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